Special Care Needs to Be Taken with Breast Augmentation for Bodybuilders – Bodybuilding Supplement Blog

The female bodybuilder sculpts her physique into a work of art that is a combination of bone, sinew, and muscle. However, as fat melts away and muscle becomes honed, it can have a detrimental effect on her breasts. Many women who are bodybuilding enthusiasts will opt for breast augmentation to enhance their physique. When considering such a procedure, it is important to realize that special considerations must be made by breast surgeons when body builders walk into a breast clinic. Female bodybuilders have extremely well-developed pectoral muscles and need to work closely with their breast surgeons to determine if under the muscle or over the muscle placement is best.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Under the Muscle Placement
When opting for under the muscle placement of breast implants at a breast clinic, there are several advantages. Primarily, the implants will have an appearance that is much more natural, creating the slope that is the envy of all others. There is also a less likely chance that breast hardening will occur. On the flipside, this type of procedure does cause more discomfort. In addition, some patients have experienced problems with their implants becoming displaced when the pectoral muscles are displaced.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Over the Muscle Placement
There are various advantages to choosing over the muscle placement of implants for bodybuilders. Breast surgeons will not be required to cut any muscle fibers to perform the procedure and the breasts will have a full appearance with a nice lift, producing an effect that is similar to a push-up bra. Displacement is not a problem with this type of implant procedure. However, the edges of the implants are more visible after this type of breast augmentation and there is an increased risk that implants will harden over time.

Contact Our Breast Clinic Today to Learn More About Your Options
If you’re a bodybuilder facing the challenge of having a sculpted body which has diminished your breast size, contact our clinic today to discuss your options with a first rate breast surgeon. All of your questions can be answered as you determine which type of procedure will work best for you. Breast augmentation can give your body a more balanced appearance, combining with your hard work to turn your physique into a true masterpiece. You can read more about breast augmentation from this post on Dr. Simon Weight website.