Gynecomastia Surgery For Body Builders – Bodybuilding Supplement Blog

Gynecomastia occurs when the tissue within male breasts becomes enlarged, giving them a feminine appearance. The amount of enlargement varies, but the chances of developing the condition increases if one uses human growth hormones. Due to this, it is more common in bodybuilders than in other groups. In terms of treatment, it can only be removed surgically, as the condition is a hormonal one. Here is more information about gynecomastia surgery for body builders.Before the surgical procedure can be done, a surgeon must first assess if a man qualifies for the surgery. This can all be determined by conducting a consultation. For instance, men who are overweight or obese are not ideal candidates. Individuals who are healthy and in shape are more likely to recover properly and quickly without complications. Also, having firm elastic-like skin that can be reshaped with stabilized breast tissue is needed. Other requirements to consider are whether or not a patient can be given general anesthesia.

The procedure involves ultrasonic liposuction (mastectomy). This is why general anesthesia is usually used (although not all offices recommend it for some patients). By putting the patient to sleep, they will not feel the discomfort of the procedure. The excess breast tissue is removed in order to give the chest a smaller and more male-like appearance. It is categorized as a localized procedure because it focuses on one targeted area specifically. The incision is placed near the areola, which is where the liposuction will take place. Depending on how much liposuction is performed, additional procedures, such as the removal of excess skin might also be performed (this procedure always requires general anesthesia).After the procedure, the patient may need to stay in the clinic for additional time to be observed. Things that will be monitored are pain, bruising, the amount of swelling, and any other discomfort. Generally, patients are able to return to their normal activities within three days.If the procedure is done properly, the rate of surgical compilations is low. However, if complications do occur, they are typically confined to infection of the surgical wound areas, asymmetry of the breasts, a change in the sensation within the breast tissue, and scarring. These things are discussed in the pre-consultation so patients know everything needed about the procedure in order to weigh the pros and cons beforehand.

Although there are no long-term complications with gynecomastia (such as pain), many men feel embarrassed to have this condition because it affects their appearance. Having a surgical procedure to reduce the breast tissue is the only means of treatment. There are many plastic surgeons that offer this procedure.

This has been an article from the marketing team at  Cosmos Clinic, if you’re thinking of getting cosmetic surgery, consult them first. You can also find them on YouTube and Google Plus.